
Firefox Test Pilot Sprint, Dhaka 2017


Firefox Test Pilot Sprint Dhaka was a long awaited event for the community as it marked two years anniversary of the Mozilla QA Bangladesh community which is why it will remain as one of the memorable ones for the community. There’s another reason why it is going be one of the most memorable one for me personally, but we will get to that later.

First Day:

Anyway, the event took place in BRAC University on 24th-25th March. Thanks a lot to BRAC University and BRAC University Computer Club for their their awesome hospitality. A big round of applause to them and all the participants who made this event a big success.

Lively participants. Blue for Yes and red for No.


The event officially started at 10AM after we took our breakfast. John Gruen, product manager from Mozilla Corporation kickstarted the event by briefing about test pilot and various test pilot add ons and their features.


Video conference with John Gruen


After that, Hossain Al Ikram bhai gave another brief about Test Pilot features in Bengali for the convenience of the participants.


Ikram Vai, engaging with the audience


And then one after another, mentors started taking sessions according to event agenda.


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I took one session as well. I talked about test cases in software testing. I showed them how to use test cases effectively and explained how crucial it is to follow every steps very carefully. Some of the participants had some questions regarding the importance of prerequisites.


Yeah that’s me taking session 😀


I always get stage fright, not before going up the stage like others, I start off enthusiastically, but then get nervous once I see that the audience are looking at me. Another thing is when I see, cameras are pointed at me, I lose control of my facial muscles, I make “Chandler Bing face”. But I somehow managed to stay relatively calm this time. 😛


I don’t look too bad, do I? 😛


After every sessions that were about any test pilot add on, we let participants test its features and asked them to share their thoughts.

By the way, in the middle of the sessions, there was a break for prayer and for lunch.

Second day:

Second day was mainly reserved for test pilot add ons documentation and contributors recognition.


Swag! Swag!! Swag!!!


To do the documentation part more efficiently, we divided the participants into several groups, one for each of the test pilot add ons. Every group was given two mentors. Every groups were tasked to write documentation blog with the help from the mentors, explaining the features of the add ons they were assigned to. Our group was assigned to document “Pulse”, a feature to share feedback with Mozilla. First I briefed our group about pulse and then asked them to list the things they things they think we should include in our blog.


Brainstorming for documentation idea


Then we went on to merge everyone’s list. Then I divided the team into two smaller groups and asked them to write according to the list. One group wrote in Bengali and another in English.

We prepared the rough copy of the documentation, which we will soon publish in the community blog.

Our group:

Pulse documentation group


In the middle of this activity, Sekander Badsha vai gave us his suggestions about how to write an effective blog.

Also, Majedul Islam Rifat vai and Maruf Rahman vai were given the floor to share their experience of their 1 year with the community.


Sekander Badsha vai giving suggestions on successful blog writing


After lunch break it was time to launch “অাওলা বাতাস ৫”, the latest version of facebook group chat for new contributors.

And then finally it was time for contributor recognition. And guess what!! I got the awesome black t-shirt of Mozilla from Mozilla!! The second reason and the most important one why I am never going to forget this awesome event.


Mozilla T-Shirt AT LAST!! ^_^

After the recognition part was over, it was time to officially end the event. We took group photos to capture all the participants, contributors and the organizers of this event together.


Group photo

There were many other things that I may have skipped here or forgot to mention but those little things are what that make the event successful and memorable. The time we spend with each other creates a strong bond that holds the community together that makes the community special. Those little experiences and feelings are not possible to make understandable in written words. You need to be there if you want to experience them. So, may be we will see you in the next event again.

Until next time, good bye.



Some information:

Event name : Firefox Test Pilot Sprint Dhaka, 2017

Event host : Mozilla QA Bangladesh

Event place : BRAC University, Bangladesh

Event date : 24h-25th March, 2017

Event Agenda :

Total participants : About 70

Event page in reps portal :

Official event page in Facebook :

Official hashtag : #firefoxtestpilotsprintdhaka

Other blogs :

<Coming soon>

Photos :

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